Rainbow six siege mobile shows of its lean feature

 Rainbow six siege mobile shows of its lean feature , that will absolutely coming to the game.

Can we lean in siege?

Earlier today, Rainbow Six Mobile confirmed one of the player base's doubts: Yes, it will be possible to lean in Rainbow Six Mobile.

Lean Slider

Players will be able to lean using what the video calls "Lean Slider," making the player touch and move in the direction the weapon must be leaned. 

Edge Taps

By tapping the edge of the screen, players will be able to lean instantly to the left or right. If you want to lean to the right, you just have to press the left side of the screen. It's the right side of the screen if you want to lean to the left.


If that doesn't convince you, there's another way to lean. On the top left of the screen, players will find two buttons — the one on the left makes you lean in that direction, while the one on the right makes you lean to the right.


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